Setting up exams (Blackboard, Moodle, D2L)

Learn how to set up timed exams and tests in Cadmus.

If you access Cadmus using Canvas, please refer to this article for setting up exams.

Once you have created a Cadmus assessment link, you can configure your exam settings while editing your instructions. Click Set requirements, grading options and settings to be taken to the Requirements page. From here, you can set up the timings and format of your exam and specify any requirements for students. You’ll also be able to see how these exam details will be displayed to students as they work in the Student Environment

From the Requirements page, select Exam as your Assessment type.



You can then set your requirements for the following categories of exam settings:


Exam type

Specify what sort of exam or test you are setting up to assist with reporting and analytics. Your assessment settings will not be impacted by the exam type you select.



Exam timing

There are two timing options for exams in Cadmus:

Live exam

If your students are sitting the exam at the same time, we recommend selecting Together at the same time. You will then need to specify the Exam start date and time.

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Window exam

Selecting At their preferred time within a set window allows you to set an exam that is open for a window of time (e.g. 24 hours). Students can choose when to start within this window and will have a set amount of time to complete the exam (e.g. 2 hours). Specify an Exam open and Exam close date and time for exams of this format.

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Reading time

If Reading time is On, you can allocate time at the start of an exam for students to read through their instructions without being able to type in Cadmus. Simply specify the number of minutes you would like to reading time.


Writing time

Specify the number of minutes students are allowed to write in the exam.




Word limit

If you turn Word limit on, you can inform students of how many words are expected for the exam. Students will not be prevented from writing over the limit.


If Referencing is on, students will have a designated References section to add their bibliography or end-of-text reference list in the Cadmus Student Environment. Students will also be able to see the relevant referencing guides in Cadmus depending on the referencing style you select.

Auto submission

If Auto submission is on, students' work will be automatically submitted at the end of their allocated writing time.

autosubmit on

Auto submission is off, you can specify a period of time to accept late submissions. Students will be prompted to submit at the end of their allocated writing time, but can choose to continue working and submit late. Once the late submission time allowance has passed, students cannot continue working and will be prompted to submit again.

autosubmit off

TIP! If your exam has a grace period or allowance for technology issues, you can set this up by turning auto submission off and specifying a late allowance. This way, students who have issues can still submit late.

PDF copy of student submissions

Students receive an email confirming they have submitted successfully by default. If PDF student submissions is on, students will receive a PDF copy of their submission attached to the submission confirmation email.



Total points

Specify the Total points you would like to mark the exam out of in Turnitin Feedback Studio.


Turn Weighting on to tell students how much an assignment is worth (as a %). This doesn’t affect how grades are returned to the LMS grade book — it will only be seen by students in their exam instructions.

Anonymous marking

Anonymous marking allows student names to be hidden from submissions during marking. Once a submission has been made in an assessment, you'll no longer be able to change this setting. Select your preference for hiding or showing student names in the class list and Turnitin Feedback Studio.

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Written feedback return

Grades will be returned to your LMS grade book via Cadmus for all exams. If you would like students to access written feedback for their exam or test via Cadmus, you can turn Written feedback return on and set a feedback return date. After this date, students will see their grades in Cadmus with a button to view detailed feedback in Turntin Feedback Studio.

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Advanced Turnitin Settings

You can access advanced Turnitin settings like repository options and similarity exclusions by clicking View Advanced Turnitin Settings. You’ll also be able to attach a rubric from this page. 

NOTE: To access the advanced Turnitin settings, you will need to Release the exam first. You can then click Update Settings to access the option again.