Sample assessment descriptions

Use our assessment descriptions in the Learning Management System (LMS) to introduce Cadmus to your students.

You can use the descriptions below when setting up your Cadmus assessment link. Copy it into the Description section on the link setup page.    

Standard Description

You will be using Cadmus to complete this assessment. Cadmus is an online environment for written assessment.

Here are some important things to remember:

  • All the assessment instructions and resources can be found in Cadmus.
  • You must complete all your work in Cadmus.
  • Only have Cadmus open in one browser window/tab. 
  • For the best experience, use the latest version of Chrome to access Cadmus.

Watch this short video for an introduction to the Cadmus Student Environment.


Academic Integrity / Exam Description

This assessment is an end-of-semester Exam or Test. You will complete this assessment using the online platform, Cadmus.
Watch this short video for an introduction to completing a Cadmus exam.

Here are some important things to remember:

  • Only have Cadmus open in one browser window/tab. 
  • For the best experience, use the latest version of Chrome to access Cadmus.
To ensure the integrity of this assessment, you must:
  1. Complete this task entirely in the Cadmus platform. Submissions that have been written using other software (e.g. Microsoft Word) and then pasted/transcribed into Cadmus are identifiable.
  2. Complete this task individually. Collaboration with others is not appropriate in this assessment, and measures are in place to identify this.
  3. Write this task in your own words, referencing relevant ideas as appropriate. All Cadmus submissions are checked for possible plagiarism and contract cheating using Turnitin.
Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be investigated as a potential breach of the university's Academic Integrity Policy: [insert link to university policy].
These measures assist us in verifying the originality and authorship of all submissions and ensure assessment fairness for all students.