Introducing students to Cadmus

Cadmus will be new for many of your students, so it can be helpful to introduce them to the platform before they start working. It’s important they understand that their work needs to be completed in the Student Environment to get the most out of using Cadmus. Emphasising these expectations from the beginning can be helpful in setting your class up for a successful assessment with Cadmus.



Here are a few ideas we’ve found effective:

Create a practice Cadmus assessment

For major assessments and exam alternatives, we'd recommend setting up a practice Cadmus assessment for your class. This way, they know how to access Cadmus, become familiar with the environment and practice submitting — all before the final assessment. If the assessment requires students to use specific Cadmus functionality, like uploading images, ensure students become familiar with this during the practice task as well.

Use a Learning Management System (LMS) announcement

You can introduce Cadmus through an announcement on your subject’s Learning Management System (LMS) page. We'd recommend adding a link to our Student Video and Help Docs in the post, as well as outlining any expectations you have for students using the platform. This is also a good opportunity to communicate any academic integrity measures you are using. For example, whether or not students will have access to similarity reports through Turnitin for the assessment.

Introduce Cadmus in a lecture or tutorial

In the context of introducing the assessment, you can show your class how to access their Cadmus assessment in a lecture or tutorial. You can do this by entering student preview mode in your LMS, and showing them around the Cadmus Student Environment.