Adding links

Learn how to add, update, and remove hyperlinks while writing your submission

With Cadmus, you can add links to your work using the formatting toolbar.


To add a link

  1. Highlight the text you want to link.
  2. Click the link-icon link icon in the formatting toolbar.
  3. Paste the URL into the field.
  4. Click the cadmus.zendesk.comhcarticle_attachments360002180316save-icon-1 tick icon or press Enter to confirm.

Note: Currently, it’s not possible to add any additional text formatting (bold, italics, colours, etc.) to hyperlinks.


To edit a link

  1. Click on the link you would like to edit.
  2. Edit the URL or paste in a new one.
  3. Click the cadmus.zendesk.comhcarticle_attachments360002180316save-icon-1 tick icon or press Enter to confirm.


To remove a link

  1. Click on the link you would like to remove.
  2. Click the delete-icon delete icon.


To open a link

  1. Click on the link you would like to remove.
  2. Click the Open open icon.