Transferring Marking Groups Across Assessments

If you already have marking groups set up in an assessment and would like to have the same marking groups transferred across your assessments, you can do so with a file downloaded from Cadmus, which you can then upload to your other assessments.

This article will cover how to:

Download your existing marking groups from Cadmus:

To download your existing marking groups from Cadmus, locate the Cadmus assessment with the groups set up and:

  1. On the Instructions page, navigate to the Marking tab.
  2. In the Marking Groups box, click Set up.

    Groups across assessmentssetup
  3. From this page, click the Download 📩 icon (in the bottom-right corner, next to the Go Back button) to export your groups.

    Groups across assessments

Import your marking groups into another Cadmus assessment:

To import your marking groups across into another Cadmus assessment, locate your new assessment, and:

  1. On the Instructions page, navigate to the Marking tab.
  2. In the Marking Groups box, click Set up.

    Groups across assessmentssetup
  3. From this page, click Import .csv or .zip file and select the .zip file previously downloaded from your other Cadmus assessment.

    Groups across assessmentsimport (3)

  4. Select the groups you wish to import and click Create Groups (the purple button in the bottom-right corner). 

    Groups across assessmentscreate

NOTE: If you'd like to quickly select all of your existing groups, select a Group Set instead.