If you don't see a similarity score after submitting, we'd recommend refreshing the page. Remember, Turnitin can take a few minutes to process submissions.
If you still can't see your similarity score, this may be because:
- Your teacher hasn't made similarity reports available.
If you can't see the View Similarity Report button, and there's no message indicating a similarity report is being prepared, your teacher has chosen not to share similarity reports on submission. If you believe this is a mistake, we'd recommend contacting your teacher as they may have forgotten to enable this option in Cadmus. - You've already made three submissions.
After three submissions, Turnitin will take up to 24 hours to return your similarity score. We'd recommend checking back later to see if a similarity report has been prepared. - Turnitin might be down.
Sometimes, when there is an issue with Turnitin, processing similarity reports is delayed. Once Turnitin is up and running again, you'll receive your similarity report through Cadmus. To check if Turnitin is down, you can go to the Turnitin Status Page.