Question Type - Numerical

Numerical questions allow you to set questions where only specific numbers or a range of numbers are accepted as answers. These questions are automatically graded based on the correct numerical values added as accepted answers.

Creating a Numerical question

There are two ways to add a numerical question.

In a blank assessment:

  1. Click Select question type.
  2. Select Numerical from the list.


Adding a new numerical question:

  1. On the Action bar, click on Add Question.
  2. Select Numerical from the list.

Once completed, an empty numerical question block will appear, allowing you to begin constructing your question.

Required fields

To set up your numerical question, simply complete the required fields as outlined below:

  1. Click on Write your question here and enter your question. Note that the question must be at least 20 characters in length.
  2. Click on Points to set the number of points allocated to the question. Note that this cannot be zero.

Setting the accepted answer

After setting the question, accepted answers can be set by typing an accepted answer and clicking the + button. These accepted answers will be used for auto-marking.

To set the correct answers:

  1. Click the Accepted answers input, and type a numerical answer.
  2. Once an answer has been typed, add it by clicking the + button. You will see this option indicated as a correct answer.

NOTE: If a correct answer is not set, you will see an error ‘Please provide at least one accepted answer for the numerical question’.


For an Exact Number accepted answer, you will find a number increment or decrement button, which can be used to add an answer without typing it.

Margin of Error

Margin of Error allows you to specify a range within which student answers will be accepted as correct. Answers outside this margin will be marked as incorrect.


NOTE: For a numerical question, you can either set an exact number or a range of numbers as the correct answer, but not both.

Removing accepted answers

After creating your question and answer options, you may want to remove an accepted answer from the options provided.

To remove an accepted answer:

  1. Hover over the ╳ next to the option, which will turn red.
  2. Click on the ╳ next to the option.