Applying No-Backtrack Rule on Cadmus Multi-Format Assessments

Apply a linear process for assessments and exams, ensuring academic integrity through a one-way forward flow.

Multi-Format Assessments now have improved academic integrity assurance with control over the Backtracking option.

Enabling & disabling Backtracking

The Backtracking option is available from the Question Navigation area in the Instructions section in Cadmus, under Requirements and settings

As a default, Backtracking is set to on, allowing students to go back and forth through your assessment questions. This can be turned off if desired.

When Backtracking is set to off, students answer questions in order, with no option to return to the previous question. This means that students can only attempt each question once.


Completing an assessment with no backtracking

When completing an assessment with Backtracking set to off, students will need to click Next and Submit for each question.

A default note appears on all questions reminding students that once a question is submitted, they will not be able to revise their answer. This reminder encourages the students to pause and review before moving on to the next question.